Not everyday a dragon comes into channel. My friend Kim will just love this.

This is the dragon. If there is only one thing, and one thing only that we could tell you to help you as you go through the ascension process, it would be to not let fear in. Fear will drop the vibration in a flash and let in that which you would be afraid of but need not fear. This is because you already carry all the knowledge and awareness you need for each challenging step in the process.

The process can be disorienting at times. It will not always feel safe and comfortable. But fear not. That feeling is coming from change, not from something you need to fear.

We are not going to sugar-coat. There are creations in the universe that you could justify being fearful of. But fearing will attract them. We suggest not do that.

There will be challenges, and you have the tools to deal with them. It is innate since you come from where you deal with these things all the time. We have said before, a world like Earth is the stranger thing for you.

Trust yourself.


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